“Sometimes even to live is an act of courage” – Seneca The Roman stoic Seneca, like many before him that practiced stoicism, believed in the phi...
“The Therapy Generation”
The age of treating the average worker as a simple disposable cog in an ever-churning system, it seems, is slowly coming to an end with the rise of Mi...
Rise of Medication Overdose
Since 1990, the amount of deaths by overdose by those on opioids and prescription medication has been steadily increasing. Currently the United States...
Back to School Health and Wellness: Keeping your child mentally healthy this school year!
This back to school season keep your children healthy both physically and mentally. Parents understand how to keep their children healthy physically, ...
Podcast Therapy
Now with so much technology in the world, there are numerous ways of getting therapy. One innovative way of getting therapy is podcasting. This might ...
Medication Management
There is research that shows that when treating behavioral health issues medication can improve your symptoms by over 60% and therapy by over 40%. Fin...