The term transgender describes an individual whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex. A transgender femal...
5 Ways to Support Your LGBTQ Family Members
When a loved one approaches you and tells you that they are gay, bisexual, questioning or a lesbian, family members first reaction may be excitement, ...
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? Many people use the term loosely to describe perfectionist behaviors. Actually, OCD is characterized by u...
Suicide Prevention for Children
Suicide Prevention for Children Each May we take one day out of the month to bring awareness to children’s mental health, that day is May 9th, while...
Did you know May is National Maternal Depression Month?
National Maternal Depression is recognized in the month of May to bring awareness to maternal mental health disorders. Postpartum depression is a we...
May is Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month!
May is Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month! Even though teen pregnancy for girls ages 15-19 is at an all-time low, we still depend on the month of May to ...